Lonely at Christmas 2020

Lonely at Christmas 2020 - Caroline Ellison Counselling in Fleet, Hampshire

Loneliness this Christmas

As l sit in my counselling cabin this morning with a cup of coffee, I reflect on the conversations had with family this week. With Christmas ahead of us and the hope of all being together temptingly close, my Mother-in-Law called to say that as we are in different Tiers, they feel it is safer if they stay at home for Christmas. After an emotional and sensible conversation, we agree with her. As the phone goes down, I look at my husband and his face says it all. Reaching for his hand, I squeeze it and we look at each other with understanding and acceptance but it is still sad. Christmas will be different this year.

A Virtual Christmas?

If you are facing a Christmas without the ones you love this year, I understand how hard it is and it is so important to find your own coping skills to manage a path through. The challenge is to enjoy Christmas without loved ones by your side but with them in your hearts. Many will use Zoom I expect on Christmas day, perhaps open presents together, albeit virtually. It will not be the same but we are blessed that we have this incredible technology to keep those far away as close as possible. Let’s hope it will make a difference.

Loneliness Levels are High

There are many people this year who are coping alone and the loneliness across the country has increased massively with the isolation and restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to a new study published in September by Jenny Groarke of Queen’s University Belfast, UK and Colleagues, loneliness levels are high during Covid-19 Lockdown.

Loneliness affects Mental Health

If your loneliness becomes overwhelming and affects your mental health, please reach out and talk to a professional who will be able to support and help you. Talking with a counsellor offers a cocoon, a space to vent, a sounding board, a space where it is safe to honestly sit with your emotions, cry, shout, talk, whatever you need to see you through. A Counsellor will sit with you, listen and offer you a mental ‘first aid kit’ to support you.

Remember your feelings do not own you, you own your feelings! Find a way to be OK with how you feel and understand why you feel the way you do, when you do.

Supporting Charities

If you are lonely and looking for support over the Christmas period there are charities who are here to support you. Below is a list of some of them:

Whatever you do and whoever you are with I wish you a very Happy Christmas. Take lots of care.

Written by your local counsellor in Fleet, Caroline at Caroline Ellison Counselling – this is my experience and these are my opinions. Carpe Diem.