Dementia Sonnet 14 – Milestones

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I wheeled her round our garden, once her pride
of joyous cultivation; countless hours
spent in the tending of her myriad flowers;
her love of natural growth personified.
So much is lost; the flowers might well have been
plastic for all she knew; her chief concern
was panic lest she jolt and overturn –
perception as distorted as a dream.
Pruning half-heartedly, I found the weeds
had withered; withered too my darling’s mind,
worsening still, though tantalising seeds
refresh my hope some shoots remain behind.
But be that as it may, this marks the last
garden safari. One more milestone passed.

(July 2020)
Author – Mr John Burman

[Author’s note: These sonnets chronicle the inevitable and wretched decline in my wife’s cognitive function due to Vascular Dementia from my viewpoint as her loving carer. JHB]

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