Dementia Sonnet 1 – Knowing

Dementia Counselling for Carers


Knowing the known is known, though sentient fact,
affords no explanation, yields no clue
how best to cope – in essence what to do
where fogged cognition misconstrues each act.
So, kindly logic sinks in sifting sand –
misunderstood – a failing that’s no fault,
for memory loss negates each concept, and
interprets through a haze of muddled thought.
Cry quis custodiet – I fear too true;
frustrations boils in every carer’s breast,
as repetition irritates anew,
monopolising wasted time and rest.
But as we muddle on from day to day,
love’s misery fades and anguish melts away.

(December 2017)
Author – Mr John Burman

[Author’s note: These sonnets chronicle the inevitable and wretched decline in my wife’s cognitive function due to Vascular Dementia from my viewpoint as her loving carer. JHB]